Activities and Announcements

Colorado Christian Fellowship (CCF) offers several opportunities for you to worship with us in person:
  • Sunday morning at 10 AM in Aurora, 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012
  • Wednesday evening at 7 PM in Aurora, 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012
  • Wednesday evening Youth Service (6-12th Grade) at 7 PM in Aurora, 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012
  • Sunday morning at 10 AM in Colorado Springs, 2076 Jet Wing Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916
What a magnificent way to begin your Sunday morning before heading to worship service!  Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you,” and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  tells us to “Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” A different CCF Leader will host a 20–30 minute devotional with prayer and a Word from the Father.  You can join us right from the comfort of your home. Login to

WEDNESDAY IS FASTING DAY FOR COLORADO CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP!  Apostle Phil and Sister Sylvia are inviting you to join them in fasting on Wednesday. Consider fasting with your CCF Family and then joining them for Wednesday Evening Worship service at 7 PM at the Aurora Campus. Here’s what we will do: we will only drink water (if you are medically permitted to do so), and then break our fast after service. Seek Father on how he wants you to fast if you are unable to only drink water due to medical restrictions. While fasting is not necessary for salvation it is essential in your Christian walk of faith and highly recommended. In fact, Jesus expects us to fast. Fasting will help you have a more intimate relationship with Christ. Fasting will help get any and everything out of the way as we seek Father, praise, and worship him together as a family on Wednesday evening, and then hear from our gifted ministers. Remember, Wednesday Evening Worship Service will feature various CCF ministers.

MID-WEEK SERVICE EVERY WEDNESDAY @ 7 PM  Wednesday evening worship service at Colorado Christian Fellowship’s Aurora Campus is at 7 PM. This service will feature ministers from the CCF preaching staff. This is a great opportunity to hear from our wonderful speakers. Apostle Phil will oversee the service; however, there will be a different speaker each week. This is a full worship service, and all are invited to join us. A full service for youth grades 6-12 is also offered on Wednesday evenings at 7PM. Our youth service includes fellowship, mini-lessons, games, breakout sessions, and more. To learn more about the youth service, please contact Pastor James West at


SUNDAY MORNING FAMILY PRAYER AT THE AURORA CAMPUS – CCF Family Prayer on Sunday morning will be every 4th Sunday from 8:30-9:30 AM. Family Prayer on Sunday Morning is a time of prayer and supplication for the leaders and members of Colorado Christian Fellowship (CCF) at the Aurora Campus. All are welcome and encouraged to join us with hearts ready to seek God concerning our individual lives, our families, CCF Ministries and Departments, our local church body, and the entire Body of Christ.

Young Adults Bible Study – Join us for an incredible bi-weekly journey as we dive deep into the Young Adult Bible Study every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 1PM-2:30PM at the Aurora Campus. Our community is a powerhouse of support, laughter, and genuine connections. We’re not just a study group; we’re a family that embraces everyone aged 18-30 with open arms! Imagine a place where you not only grow in faith but also create lasting memories and friendships that stand the test of time. For more information contact James West at

CHILDREN OF DESTINY- HELP SHAPE THE DESTINY OF OUR KIDS—Colorado Christian Fellowship (CCF) is the place we call home and it is our responsibility to work together, as a family, to make sure we are helping to establish a foundation of godliness, sound Biblical teaching, and supportive mentorship for the children of this house.  The Children’s Department at the Aurora Campus needs volunteers to ensure we are doing our best to point our children in God’s direction.

 Volunteering  just one time per year will make a difference for our children’s destiny. Volunteers are needed:

  • Sunday mornings to help with check-in
  • In our classrooms to assist teachers
  • Running the media and audiovisual equipment in our classrooms
  • Building sets for Vacation Bible School or other special lessons
  • Serving as chaperones (covering) for outside excursions or special events

We will provide training onsite in the Children’s Fellowship Hall: 

  • March 29, 2025, 10:30-11:30am

You will learn about the application process for serving the Children of Destiny, receive an overview of how to serve in every area mentioned above, and gain an understanding of how to use your gifts and skills to support the Children’s Department.  Register for training at

2025 Ushers’ Meetings-The Ushers and Greeters’ Ministry will be meeting on the following dates-January 4, March 1, May 3, July 5, September 6, and November 1, 2025, from 10-11:30 AM, in the Grace Place, at the Aurora Campus.  If you have any questions or would like to join this ministry, please send your email to Pam Holloway at

Children’s Church at the Aurora Campus – Choir and Praise dance Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings.  Angel-Wings, for those in 2nd-5th grade, will rehearse in the Cross Trainers’ classroom every Wednesday at 7PM. God’s Effective Ministry or (G.E.M.), for those in 2nd-5th grade, will rehearse in the Children’s Fellowship Hall every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7PM. Children will learn how to glorify the Lord through song and dance. For additional questions about G.E.M contact Cindy Harris. For additional questions about Angel-Wings Contact Valencia Sims.

MORNING DEVOTIONS DURING THE SPRING FAST– Each morning, during our fast (beginning March 31, 2025), participants are encouraged to login to the CCF Fasting Devotion Line to begin the day with prayer, a song, a word from a CCF leader, and an excerpt from our fasting book.  Login to each morning at 7 AM and experience different CCF Leaders who will share what Father has given him/her for the day, pray, and then conclude the ZOOM call.

The Great Jungle Journey

April 2025– It’s time to register for Vacation Bible School at the Colorado Springs Campus.  VBS will begin Saturday, May 31, 2025, from 9-AM-12:30 PM for 5 weeks. Children, ages 4-12 are welcome to attend and experience The Great Jungle Journey. Explore the story of Creation and then step into the great flood. Examine where people groups came from and get to know the Creator who became our savior. Register today at You must be registered to attend. If you have additional questions, please contact Zavis Dixon at

April 5, 2025How to Share Your Faith Workshop from Evangelism Explosion, through Christian Vocational Training School (CVTS). Through this workshop, on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 8-2:30 PM, students will learn that the hand become a simple memory toll to share a Gospel presentation that has proven effective in every nation. Register online at For additional questions, please contact Chuck Wood, Dean of CVTS.

April 5, 2025The Deacons’ Ministry at the Colorado Springs Campus will host “PULL UP PRAYER” on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 11AM-2PM. The Colorado Springs community is invited to drive up, walk up, or run up and our prayer warriors will pray for you in our church parking lot. If you have any questions about this event and how you can get involved, please contact Pastor Sandy Smith

April 9, 2025- PRAYER,  PRAISE, AND WORSHIP DURING THE SPRING FAST on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 7PM. In lieu of Wednesday Evening Service, CCF will host a special Prayer, Praise and Worship Service in conjunction with our spring fast, at the Aurora Campus. There will be no teaching or sermon, just prayer, praise, and worship, and our obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Gathering of Women spring 2025

April 12, 2025-Sylvia Smith will host the Gathering of Women: Kingdom Sexuality, at the Aurora Campus on Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 9-11AM. How do God’s daughters express their sexuality? What is God’s opinion of how our culture celebrates human sexuality? Come and learn why the gift of our sexuality is so important to God. There will be one-on-one prophetic prayer ministry at the conclusion of the teaching. Ladies, 16 and older, please join Sylvia Smith and Natasha Herring for, prayer, prophetic word, and time with Father and your sisters. Register by April 10, 2024, online at

Sunday, April 13, 2025, join the Bridge Ministry’s open house for those 31-54, following Sunday service and meet the Bridge Ministry team. The Bridge Ministry wants to bridge the gap between Millennial and Gen X believers by building relationships across generational communities of believers, rooting ourselves in prayer, devoting ourselves to studying scripture, and sharing space for honest and authentic dialogue.  This event is free, but registration is required. Register online at

April 18, 2025Global Change Network, USA will host its annual Ordination Ceremony on Friday, April 18, 2025, from 7-9PM, in the Sanctuary at the Aurora Campus. The Annual GCN, USA 2025 Ordination Ceremony and Celebration is for all candidates who’ve completed the two-year training program.

April 27, 2025 Join us for a special family prayer time on Sunday, April 27, 2025, from 8:30-9:30 AM, at the Aurora Campus. We will seek God concerning our individual lives, our families, CCF ministries and departments, our local church body, and the Body of Christ. We are placing special emphasis on praying for those who’ve experienced the loss of loved ones and for healing. CCF Family Prayer is for everyone. CCF Family, come participate in this time of prayer with open hearts!

Global Change Network, Company of Prophets (COPS) Meetings, January 11, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, August 9, October 11, November 8, and December 13, 2025, 9:30-11:30AM, at the Aurora Campus. For additional details, GCN members should contact  Elder Teca Webber or Elder  Chuck Wood.

Global Change Network, Gathering of Shepherds Meetings for Pastors to meet for monthly support, training, encouragement and accountability, May 10, August 9, November 8, 2025. For details and how to get involved, please see Pastor Stan Winbush or Elder Chuck Wood.

May 3, 2025 The Colorado Springs Campus will participate in City Serve Day, on Saturday, May 3, 2025.  Mark your calendars for the COSILOVEYOU Spring City Serve Day and prepare to serve Panorama Middle School.  If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at the registration table in April, and see Deacon Zavis if you have any questions.

Gown with sneakers

May 10, 2025-Children of Destiny at the Aurora Campus will host the Gals’ & Guys’ Sneaker Ball, A Mother and Son Brunch, from 11AM – 2:30 PM.  Mothers with sons in grades 1st-5th, please register to attend this important event where we will explore the importance of spending time with our sons. Dress in your best formal attire and your favorite sneakers to finish the look. You must register to attend this event. Register at The last day to register is April 23, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Gizelle Marshall,

May 23, 2025 Sons of Covenant, Rite of Passage Ceremony at the Aurora Campus. Join us on Friday, May 23, 2025, at 7 PM, as we celebrate candidates who’ve completed the “Becoming a Son of Covenant Class” through Christian Vocational Training School, and desire to participate in the ceremony.

May 25, 2025 Join us for a special family prayer time on Sunday, May 25, 2025, from 8:30-9:30 AM, at the Aurora Campus. We will seek God concerning our individual lives, our families, CCF ministries and departments, our local church body, and the Body of Christ. We are placing special emphasis on praying for mothers and women. CCF Family Prayer is for everyone. CCF Family, come participate in this time of prayer with open hearts!

June 2025 –Registration will open in May for Vacation Bible School at the Aurora Campus. Children of Destiny will host VBS in July.   This year’s adventure, True North, will foster a deeper connection with our faithful friend, Jesus, while discovering the great Alaskan frontier. VBS Dates are: July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 6, and 13 (6 weeks) from 6:45 -8:30pm at the Aurora Campus. Please register at, so we can properly prepare and have enough materials for all students. The last day to register is June 25, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Gizelle Marshall,

June 13, 2025 The Women’s Ministry – Colorado Springs Campus, will be gathering on Friday, June 13, 2025, from 6:30-8PM.  Please contact the Colorado Springs Campus for details concerning this event, (719) 418-6983, or

June 13, 2025 Global Change Network, USA will host a GCN Members’ Get Together Potluck and Training on Friday, June 13, 2025. For details, please contact Chuck Wood at

June 14, 2025- Join the Colorado Springs Music Ministry for a evening of Pottery, Praise, and a Potluck, on Saturday, June 14, 2025, from 6-8 PM in the fellowship hall. For additional questions, please contact Kedisha Dixon at

June 21, 2025– Join the men of God’s Posse as they  feed and fellowship with the residents of Hampton Hills Nursing Center on Saturday, June 21, 2025. For details on how to serve at this event, contact Lonnell Tyars at

June 21, 2025-If you’d like to learn about the Global Change Network, USA’s Five-fold Ministry Training Program of Study and Ordination Program, please contact Chuck wood at for details and how to register for this ZOOM information meeting.

June 22, 2025 Join us for a special family prayer time on Sunday, June 22, 2025, from 8:30-9:30 AM, at the Aurora Campus. We will seek God concerning our individual lives, our families, CCF ministries and departments, our local church body, and the Body of Christ. We are placing special emphasis on praying for fathers and men. CCF Family Prayer is for everyone. CCF Family, come participate in this time of prayer with open hearts!

July 27, 2025 Join us for a special family prayer time on Sunday, July 27, 2025, from 8:30-9:30 AM, at the Aurora Campus. We will seek God concerning our individual lives, our families, CCF ministries and departments, our local church body, and the Body of Christ. We are placing special emphasis on praying for those who’ve experienced the loss of loved ones and for healing. CCF Family Prayer is for everyone. CCF Family, come participate in this time of prayer with open hearts!

Crossfire High School Ministry is for high school students at the Aurora Campus. Our desire is to equip our youth to defend themselves against enemy fire, to excite them, and to encourage them to be on fire for Christ! We will still offer a safe environment for our high school student to express themselves and really get to know Father. For details, please contact Pastor James West

Monday Night Prayer is held every Monday evening at 7 PM. The Prayer Ministry Team will host CCF Monday Night Family Prayer, via conference call, from 7-8 PM.  To pray with your CCF Family, dial (339) 209-5716, between 7 and 8 PM. When you are finished, simply hang up.  CCF is the place we call home, so join the family as we all seek the Father, encourage one another, and spend time praying together. We look forward to connecting with you in prayer.

S.M.I.L.E. – SAVED, MINISTRY, ILLUMINATE, LOVE, ENCOURAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMMING is for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at the Aurora Campus. SMILE is an open, inclusive, loving environment committed to growth and discipleship.  Every middle school student is welcome and encouraged to share and participate. All middle school students are invited to join in the fun. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor James West

COFFEE TIME Live is available every Wednesday morning at 8 am (MST) on FACEBOOK live. Visit to hear Apostle Phil and Sister Sylvia. If you are interested in archived episodes of Coffee Time Live, CLICK HERE. You can also view archived sermons and the member meditations.

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY RIDES TO SUNDAY SERVICE – The Transportation Ministry of Colorado Christian Fellowship’s Aurora Campus offers rides to help its members get to Sunday service.

  • Riders/members must live within a 5-mile radius of the church – 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012
  • Riders must call the church office at 303-368-7105 or sign up online at by Wednesday at 2 PM. You can also scan the QR code and complete the registration form.
  • Online registrations and calls to reserve a ride must be done by Wednesday at 2 PM for a ride the upcoming Sunday.
  • To cancel a scheduled ride after 2 PM on Wednesday, please contact the Transportation Ministry at, before 7 AM on Sunday.
  • After 3 “no-shows” for pick-ups and no formal cancellation of the ride to church, riders will be removed from the ride schedule/list and unable to ride again through the CCF Transportation Ministry.
  • When transportation to church is no longer needed, riders must contact the church office right away and inform the church.

CVTS OFFERS FREE WEEKLY ZOOM-IN BIBLE STUDY This Weekly Bible Study is conducted on zoom and open to participants to join anytime. Topics will be determined by guest instructors each week. This will allow for Holy Spirit led Bible study and discussions on various topics. Join the group every Thursday – at 6:30p.m. Please bring your Holy Bible, preferably the NIV (New International Version) in book or electronic form. Register for Bible Study today at                  


BAPTISM – If you would like to be baptized at the Aurora Campus, you may sign-up to be baptized at the Information Center on Sunday.  You can also send an email to the Aurora Campus Deacons at Deacons will contact the candidates for baptism once they’ve signed up.

If you would like to be baptized at the Colorado Springs Campus, please contact Pastor Denise Waldon, 719 418-6983.

Women’s Ministry, Colorado Springs Campus – A fellowship of God’s daughters can provide a loving and safe place to cultivate friendships and a sense of belonging. The Women’s Ministry will meet on March 14, June 13, September 12, and December 13, 2025.  For more details, please contact 719-418-6983 or

Youth ConnectED (Empowered & Discipled), Colorado Springs Campus – is open for youth and teens 6th – 12th grade and meets on the 1st and 4th Sunday of every month.  In addition, they have an ‘After Service Gathering’ on months that have a 5th Sunday.  For additional questions, contact Kedisha Dixon,

To learn more about Christian Vocational Training School classes and workshops, visit

CCF members are strongly encouraged to attend The Spiritual Foundations/  Now That You’re Home Workshop. This workshop is part of our Kingdom Connections Program designed to create a loving and inclusive atmosphere, encourage the development of our new members, visitors, new believers, and those who re-dedicate their lives to Christ;  as well as empower our existing CCF members. 

  • Spiritual Foundations will cover what we believe as a church, what it means to be a Christian, CCF’s vision, and mission, and why we are a tithing church.
  • Now That You’re Home reviews the definition of church membership, early church history, church membership expectations, the Five-fold Ministry Church, how CCF is governed and organized, CCF’s membership expectations, gift assessments, and more.

2025 WORKSHOP: Saturdays are 9 AM to Noon and Tuesdays are 6 PM to 8:30 PM, ZOOM Workshops

Tuesday:  June 10, 2025, August 19, 2025, November 4, 2025

Saturday:  March 15, 2025, April 12, 2025, May 17, 2025, July 12,  2025, September 20, 2025, October 11, 2025

Registration is required by the Friday night before to receive ZOOM meeting information.  To register, please go to: For additional questions, please contact Michael Daniel, Congregational Care Coordinator, at 303-368-7105, Ext. 224, or