





Common biblical terms we use on

Altar prayer: During worship services at Colorado Christian Fellowship, we offer an opportunity for people to come forward to the altar in the church sanctuary to have a trained ministry team member pray with them. We can always come to God on our own in prayer, but altar prayer provides a time where we can experience the comfort, hope, and love of God through another person praying with us. (Find in the Bible how prayer comforts: Philippians 4: 6, 7; also see Prayer entry.)

Apostle: Jesus chose 12 apostles, or “sent ones.” At Colorado Christian Fellowship, we believe this leadership role continues today and is assigned to building spiritual foundations, or infrastructures, as God instructs. The apostle can function in church environments and in places such as culture, business, government, entertainment, and education. Apostles are visionary leaders, going where God says go. This leadership role is among the five leadership roles God has assigned for his church. (See Five-fold ministry entry.)

Ascension: In order for human beings to have a relationship with God, the Father sent his son, Jesus, to live with humans, die on a cross for the wrong actions of humans, then was resurrected bodily and then returned to heaven. Jesus’ return to heaven was called the ascension. (Find Jesus’ ascension in the Bible: Acts 1: 1-9; also see Life of Jesus, Death of Jesus, Resurrection, Bible, and Word of God entries.)

Baptism: Baptism is an outward declaration of the new relationship the Christian, or Jesus-believer, now has in Christ. With baptism, a Christian is saying they believe, share, and are empowered by the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Colorado Christian Fellowship believes in immersion baptism as a metaphor for those beliefs. Baptism does not take away our sin, or wrong, unloving actions. Baptism merely declares our belief in what Jesus did when he died for us and the entire world. (Find Jesus’ baptism in the Bible: Matthew 3:13-17; also see Salvation, Repent entries.)

Bible: This is the instruction book for Jesus-believers. The Bible, also known as the Word of God, includes two collections of books divided into what is called the Old and New testaments. The Old Testament talks about how God created the world with the book of Genesis, and then details his dealings with the human beings he created. The Old Testament also tells how he specifically worked and is still working with the nation of Israel. In the New Testament, the narrative continues with God ushering in the promise of his son, Jesus, to Israel and the entire world. It also details how Jesus shared information about God’s way of doing things, the account of Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, the growth of the first churches, and the future events between God, human beings, and Satan. The Bible is the bestselling book of all time. (Discover the power of God’s instruction book: 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; also see Word of God entry.)

Christians: Jesus-believers. The term “Christian” was first used in the ancient city of Antioch in the first century. Some have abused the term and attributed lots of behaviors to Christians and Christianity that do not reflect the heart of God. “Christian,” or Jesus-believers, is the essential description of followers of Jesus Christ. (Find the story in the Bible about Jesus-believers being called Christians: Acts: 11.)

Church: Either a people who love Jesus or a physical place where they meet. The Bible talks about the church in terms of a spiritual body of believers that Christ oversees.The church represents Jesus and shares his ways of loving and helping others. A church building or some other site is one of the physical gathering places where Christians, or Jesus-believers, meet. (Find the description of the church in the Bible: Ephesians 4:15-16.)

Communion: Before Jesus was crucified, he commemorated the Jewish Passover celebration with his disciples, or friends. He also wanted to prepare his disciples for life without him. Jesus talked about how he would pray for them and also those who would believe in him because of their actions. Many mainstream Protestant churches practice communion because Jesus instructed them to do so until he comes again from heaven. We believe that communion, which Colorado Christian Fellowship practices on a monthly basis, is a powerful spiritual time. We remember Jesus’ death on our behalf and renew our commitment to him. Communion also is called the Lord’s Supper. (Find communion in the Bible: Luke 22: 14-20.)

Death of Jesus: The death of Jesus was necessary to provide human access to God his Father, who yearned for a relationship with human beings. Because sin separated human beings from God, Jesus was sent to bridge the gap by paying the “debt” that sin causes with God. Interestingly, before Jesus was crucified, he spoke often of his death and how it was his destiny. History also records that his followers saw him bodily resurrected after he had been buried in a tomb. (Find sin in the Bible: Romans 5:12-25; see Sin, Salvation, Resurrection, Eternal Life and New Creation entries.)

Deacon: The word “deacon” basically means servant or to serve. Deacons are to be people of character. Depending on the tradition of individual churches or church groups, deacons can vary in the amount of service they give to the church. They also vary in the amount of authority they have. At Colorado Christian Fellowship, among the responsibilities for our deacons are praying with people during and after church gatherings, helping to serve communion, and visiting those who are sick. (Find deacons in the Bible: 1 Timothy 3: 8-12.)

Deliverance: God wants us to mature in our relationship with him. Through the gift of salvation, he has provided the way to complete wholeness through Jesus Christ. However, in the process of maturing, we have to shed misplaced beliefs and inappropriate behaviors that stymie our spiritual growth. We have to rely on God, through the salvation he provided in Jesus, to change us. Deliverance teaches Jesus-believers how to identify beliefs and actions that are unloving and not representative of God. They also learn how to better care for themselves spiritually and emotionally. Satan, who is the enemy of God, opposes deliverance, and seeks to keep areas of our relationship with God lifeless or chaotic. Through Jesus Christ, Christians overcome Satan’s efforts. (Discover Satan’s war against us in the Bible: Ephesians 6:10-12; also see Satan entry.)

Discipleship: When a person commits to believe in Jesus, they naturally want to share what they know about him. In discipleship, you not only share what you know about Jesus, you can help someone build an incredible relationship with him. This process can include Bible study, prayer, and discussion about what’s happening as the person comes to know Jesus better. (Find the pattern of disciple-making in the Bible: 2 Timothy 2: 1, 2.)

Doctrine: Teachings of the church. The teachings at Colorado Christian Fellowship are based on principles outlined in the Bible. (Discover doctrine in the Bible: Titus 2:1; also see Bible and Word of God entries.)

Elders: A person in leadership at a local church. At Colorado Christian Fellowship, elders are appointed by CCF’s Board of Elders and serve as the spiritual leaders of the church. The elders also make up a Board of Directors. They manage the business and legal affairs of CCF. Senior Pastor Phillip Smith also serves as an elder. The elders are accountable to God for how they lead the congregation. (Discover the work of Elders in the Bible: See Acts 15; also see Deacons entry.)

Eternal life: This refers not only to the quantity of time Christians, or Jesus-believers, will have with God, but the quality of this experience. Eternal life begins at the time a person begins an authentic relationship with Jesus. Essentially, eternal life is a deep, abiding intimacy with God that endures beyond time. (Discover what Jesus says in the Bible about eternal life and knowing God: John 17:3; also see Sin, Repent, Salvation, Resurrection, Heaven and Hell entries.)

Evangelism: It’s a big word, but all it means is that people who know Jesus want to share the good news about him with others. Telling folks about Jesus can be conducted formally in big evangelistic programs at stadiums or in everyday chats while at the water cooler at work! (Discover the impact of evangelism in the Bible: Acts 14:21; also see Great Commission entry.)

Evangelist: Every Christian, or Jesus-believer, is an evangelist because they are charged with telling others about him. This person has a deep desire to lead people into an understanding of what God has done for them. An evangelist also is a leadership role God has assigned to the church to help equip Christians. (Find a story in the Bible about a famous evangelist: Acts 8:26-40; also see Great Commission, Five-fold ministry entries.)

Father: God the Father is a personal, loving, merciful, infinite, and powerful Spirit. He frees anyone from sin who comes to him through his son, Jesus Christ, because he longs for an intimate relationship with human beings. The Father hears and answers prayers and determines eternal purpose for his children. Jesus wants us to experience a relationship with the Father, from whom all human beings receive their sense of identity, purpose, and fulfillment. Jesus also told his friends, or disciples, that if they wanted to get an idea of how loving and trustworthy the Father was, all they had to do was to look at him. (Find out what Jesus says about the Father in the Bible: See John 14: 1-14; also see Jesus, Holy Spirit and Trinity entries.)

Fellowship: A gathering of Christians or Jesus-believers. The term fellowship is also often used to refer to a Christian’s healthy relationship with God and fellow Jesus-believers. (Find fellowship in the Bible: Acts 2:42-47.)

Five-fold ministry: God selected five leadership roles to help fellow Christians mature in their relationship with him. Five-fold ministers also are assigned to tell the world about Christ and show them how to experience life as God intended. The five leadership roles are apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Colorado Christian Fellowship ordains, or publicly endorses, individuals who complete its training. Those who are interested in being prepared for five-fold ministry can be members of churches other than CCF. Equipping Christians for the five-fold ministry is a foundational mission of CCF. (Find Five-fold ministry in the Bible: Ephesians 4:11-13; also see Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher entries.)

Forgiveness: This is the heart of God. He wants to reconcile us to himself. Jesus tells the compelling story of the sinful son who returns home, and is welcomed by the forgiving father who is very glad to see him. This story is a picture of God the Father. Forgiveness also is an attitude God wants his sons and daughters to cultivate. (Find reconciliation in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 5: 11- 21; learn about the story of the prodigal son: Luke 15: 11-24; discover how Christians should forgive each other: Colossians 3:12-14; and how Christians should demonstrate forgiveness to the world: Romans 12:16, 17-21; also see Father entry.)

Great Commission: Before Jesus returned to heaven after being crucified and then rising from the grave, he charged his disciples, or friends, to go out into the world and share what they learned and saw. This charge is still relevant for the friends of Jesus in the world today. (Find Jesus’ Great Commission to Christians: Matthew 28:16-20.)

Gospel: The announcement of good news from God. (See Evangelism and Evangelist entries.)

Gospels: The four books in the New Testament that describe the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The books are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

House blessing: One of the services Colorado Christian Fellowship deacons offer. If requested, deacons can come to a person’s home and pray with them about asking God to bless the home and be the focus of it. Of course, a Christian can ask God to bless a home without the presence of deacons. (See Deacons entry.)

Heaven: The state and place where all the ways of God are evident and practiced completely. Heaven is where God and all his awesome attributes are freely and fully demonstrated and witnessed. Jesus called heaven his Father’s house. Unlike what is often described in pop culture, heaven is reserved for those who recognize that Jesus died for their sins and accept his life into theirs. (Find descriptions of heaven in the Bible: John 14:1-4; Revelation 21 and 22; also see Hell entry.)

Hell: That awful place where the love, grace, and light of God are absent. Many theological discussions revolve around the views of hell and it is mentioned not only in the Bible, but also in classical literature and even in the pop-culture horror movies of our day. (Find Jesus’ words about hell in the Bible: Matthew 10:28, 25: 31-46; also see Heaven entry.)

Holy Spirit: The third person of the Trinity. He comforts Christians, or Jesus-believers. Jesus promised when He left his disciples, or friends, on earth that the Spirit would come to dwell in them. This happened on the Day of Pentecost, a Jewish holiday, when the Spirit descended from heaven.Today, when we ask Jesus to live within us, he does so by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us understand God-related things, empowers us to do what God says, and teaches us to represent the life of God through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Bible also says the Holy Spirit raises our awareness about what is sin, what is the right way of living in God’s eyes and what is the judgment of God about our sin. (Discover attributes of the Spirit-led life in the Bible: Galatians 5:22-23; learn about Pentecost: Acts 2; also see Pentecost, Father, Jesus, Trinity entries.)

Jesus: The Son of God and the second person of the Trinity. Jesus Christ died so that our sins would not keep us from getting to know his Father. He refers to the church as his Bride, who he wants to one day present to his Father. Unlike other founders of world religions, Jesus declared that he was not just a representative of God, but that he was God himself. The Bible calls Jesus the “image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” (Find out what the Bible says about Jesus: Colossians 1: 15-23; and what Jesus said about himself: John 5:31-47; also see Life of Jesus, Death of Jesus, Sin, Salvation, Resurrection, Ascension, Father, Holy Spirit and Trinity entries.)

Life of Jesus: Jesus was on earth for 33 years, the Bible says. Little was recorded by the Bible about his childhood and young adulthood, but he started to work with people when he was 30 years old. The narratives of the four Gospels describe a Jesus who was warm, loving, humorous, insightful, educated, and down-to-earth. The Gospels also describe a Jesus who was fully divine. Jesus also was fully human, was tempted to act in wrong and unloving ways like all humans are, yet he did not sin. The sinlessness of Jesus is vital to Christian belief because this attribute enabled him to pay the sin debt for all human beings so that they can experience a relationship with God the Father. (See Sin, Salvation, Death of Jesus, Resurrection and Ascension entries.)

Lord’s Supper: See Communion.

Love: The Bible says that God is love. All of his actions are driven by the power of love. At Colorado Christian Fellowship, we emphasize the supremacy of love in our actions toward God, others and ourselves. Love is the foundation of all healthy and effective Christian practice. (Find God’s love in the Bible: John 3:16; Romans 2:4; 1 Corinthians 13; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Philippians 2:1-4; 1 John 4:7, 8.)

Marriage: God endorsed human marriage when he created Adam and Eve and placed them in the first marital relationship. God declared that relationship as good and passages throughout the Bible talk about how marriage should be enjoyed and celebrated. (Find Adam and Eve in the Bible: Genesis 2:18-25)

Maturity: God wants us to grow in our understanding of him and in our lives as Christians, or Jesus-believers. (Discover spiritual maturity in the Bible: Colossians 2:1-17; Hebrews 5: 14, 6:1-3.)

Meditate/meditation: You probably heard this term when it comes to yoga or other non-Christian practices, but there is a Christian version of meditation. Christians can meditate on the Word of God or spend time listening to what God has to say to them. (Find meditation in the Bible: Psalm 119:97; Philippians 4: 8.)

Ministry: God has a purpose for everyone ever born. When we come to know God through Jesus, we learn more about what our life purpose actually is. Ministry basically means fulfilling your purpose and doing whatever God has wired you to do. It does not necessarily mean leaving your job to become a minister at a local church. You can conduct your ministry at work, home, school and church. You can “minister” anywhere. (Find ministry in the Bible: 2 Timothy 4:2-5.)

Ministers: Essentially, every Christian is a minister. However, this term is transferable and also can refer to people who actually have been ordained, or publicly endorsed by the church, in order to serve a particular leadership role. (See Ministry entry.)

New creation: Before we confess our sin and accept Jesus into our heart, we are dead in our sins, wrong actions that fall short of God’s righteous standards. Therefore, we are unable to experience a life of love with God. After we accept Jesus into our heart by faith, we become a new creation. This is a work of God, not a human one. Regeneration and spiritual rebirth are interchangeable terms with new creation. (Find new creation in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 5:17; learn how we are made alive with Christ: Ephesians 2:1-8; also see Sin, Repent, Salvation, Eternal Life, entries.)

Ordination: At Colorado Christian Fellowship, we publicly endorse individuals through our Global Change Network, U.S.A. five-fold ministry training program. The public endorsement, or ordination, says that a person has shown evidence that they are called to serve in one of the five-fold ministry leadership gifts, and has fulfilled the requirements for training and is equipped to serve people, either in Colorado, the United States, or elsewhere in the world. A person does not have to attend CCF to participate in our five-fold ministry training. (See Five-fold, Ministry entries.)

Pastor: The person in this leadership assignment deeply cares about the condition of people. A pastor can operate within or outside of a church. The leadership gift is identified in a person by a passionate nurturing of people. This leadership role is among the five leadership functions God has assigned to his church. (See Five-fold entry.)

Pentecost: The Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks. The Jewish festival followed Passover and commemorated the Old Testament story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. On the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit, who was promised by Jesus, descended on the disciples who were waiting for the Spirit to reveal himself to them. (Find Jesus’ words in the Bible about the Holy Spirit, along with the Day of Pentecost: Acts 1:4; 2:1-13.)

Praise and worship: Both words refer to the expression of love for God. Some praise and worship God through song and music. Others adore God through words and heartfelt prayer. Praise and worship also can be conducted in a heart-felt, Spirit-driven silence. (Discover spiritual singing in the Bible: Colossians 3:16.)

Prayer: We can talk with God and prayer is the means to do it. Prayer also is a two-way conversation. As we tell God what’s going on with us, he tells us what is on his mind and what he wants us to do. Prayer can take place anywhere. We at Colorado Christian Fellowship also believe that sometimes people pray in speech, or tongues, that only God understands. (Discover in the Bible Jesus’ pattern of prayer: Luke 11: 1-4; tongues, 1 Corinthians 14: 1-25, and how often Christians should pray: 1 Thessalonians 5:17; also see Altar Prayer entry.)

Prophet: The person in this leadership role is assigned to seek God and share his heart with human beings. While all Christians have the ability to hear from God and encourage others, a prophet’s assignment is to do this as a consistent leadership function. Prophets were at work in society in the Old Testament and can be assigned to churches as well as in the world in contemporary times. This leadership role is among the five leadership functions God has assigned to his church. (See Five-fold entry.)

Prophetic Arts: The arts can provide a unique way for God to convey words of encouragement, direction and exhortation to his people. At Colorado Christian Fellowship, our Prophetic Arts are intended to minister to the whole person through the arts. Prophetic Arts also equips people to take these skills into their communities.

Prophetic words: All Christians have the ability to encourage fellow Jesus-believers, but prophets can consistently operate in this ability as God chooses to direct them. When someone receives a prophetic word, they should prayerfully consider what was said and its effect on their life. Typically, a prophetic word confirms what already is in a person’s heart, but not always. Prophetic words can be delivered to Jesus-believers and those who are not. To “test” a prophetic word, recognize that they should not violate the Word of God and the behavior it endorses. (Find an example of receiving a prophetic word in the Bible: 1 Timothy: 4:14; also see Prophet and Word of God entries.)

Quiet time: God wants to spend time with us. This can include prayer, Bible reading and journal writing. Some also refer to quiet time as “devotions.”

Repent: We first repent by confessing our sin and accepting Jesus Christ into our heart. Then, in our everyday relationship with God our Father, we confess and turn away from areas of wrongdoing that he identifies in our life. Our salvation is always intact, but consistent repentance keeps our relationship with the Father vibrant and growing. (Find repentance in the Bible: 1 John 1:9; also see Sin, Salvation and Eternal Life entries.)

Resurrection: Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we can have a relationship with his Father, who also is our Father in heaven. But Jesus didn’t just die. He bodily rose from his grave and more than 500 saw him. The resurrection is vital to know about Jesus because he promises that those who believe in him will one day rise again, too. (Discover the resurrection of Jesus and the resurrection intended for his followers: 1 Corinthians 15; also see Life of Jesus, Death of Jesus and Eternal Life entries.)

Saint: A Christian or a Jesus-believer. This person is not perfect, but is in perfect relationship with God through the actions of Jesus. (See Sin, Salvation, New Creation entries.)

Salvation: The Father wants a relationship with man, but sin and death separates him from them. To end the separation, he sent his son many generations ago. His Son paved the way for a relationship with his Father by dying for us. To access this gracious gift of relationship, every person must believe that Jesus died for them, confess their sin and ask him to live in them. Once we do, the new relationship with the Father means they have the gift of eternal life. But salvation is not just fire insurance for a ticket to heaven. Salvation can be experienced in daily life through the spiritual and emotional wellness only God can provide. (Find God’s gracious gift in the Bible: Ephesians 2:8; discover the Bible’s view of salvation and its work: John 6:40, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24; learn about the Father and eternal life: John 6:40; also see Sin, Repent, Resurrection and Eternal Life entries.)

Satan: The archenemy of God. Before the beginning of the world, Satan once was an angel of God who held a powerful rank. But through his sin of pride, he forfeited his place and was cast down from heaven, along with his allies. Satan still fights God by polluting the world with mindsets and behaviors that do not reflect the loving heart of God. He works through those who refuse to accept Jesus and the love of God by empowering them to do evil. He also relentlessly opposes Christians, or Jesus-believers, by attempting to strangle their spiritual growth so that they will not reflect the heart of God. The Bible says that one day God will vanquish Satan forever. (Find the Christian’s struggle with Satan in the Bible: Ephesians 4:12; learn about the portrayal of Satan as a thief in the Bible: John 10:10.)

Sin: The nature and actions of falling short of God’s standards of loving living. Everyone is born sinful. Sin separates human beings from God and it brings death. Eternal life with God is impossible when we are separated from him by sin. To have a relationship with human beings, God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for us in order for us to receive the ability to experience a life of love. God’s gift is only available to those who believe Jesus died for them and who accept him into their heart. (Find a description of the sinful life in the Bible: Ephesians 2: 1-3; also see New Creation, Repent, Salvation and Eternal Life entries.)

Spiritual gifts: The capacity a person has in a certain area; this capacity is given to them by God to help others. In the New Christian’s Handbook, Max Anders gives a good breakdown of the spiritual gifts, or these capacities: “1) office gifts – people gifted to serve the church with a specific office of apostle, prophet, evangelist or pastor-teacher; 2) service gifts – non miraculous gifts that serve the well-being of the church in a rather normal way; 3) special gifts – miraculous gifts that are a sign to others of the power of God.” (Find spiritual gifts in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 12; also see Five-fold ministry entry.)

Submission: Much misunderstood, submission means preferring someone else and following their leadership in a given situation or position. The Bible applies the act of submission to Christians with one another, Christians in relation to spiritual authorities, the wife within her relationship with her husband and to Jesus himself in his relationship with his Father. Submission is an act of love and a demonstration of faith in the Father who asks that all believers live in such a way that they submit to each other. Submission is a reflection of meekness, which is popularly defined as strength under control. Believers also are encouraged to submit to government and employers as a way of honoring the Father, who established these authority figures. (Find descriptions of marital and spiritual submission in the Bible: Ephesians 5: 22-33; 6: 1-9; also see Marriage entry.)

Teacher: This leadership role emphasizes the importance of instructing Christians, or Jesus-believers, on how to live. Teachers ask God to help them understand the Bible better so that they may share its truths accurately. This leadership role is among the five leadership functions God has assigned to his church. (See Bible, Word of God and Five-fold ministry entries.)

Trinity: There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. They are co-equal in divine perfection but have different functions within what is called the Godhead. Trinity is never used as a term in the Bible, but the Godhead is described as triune in statements such as this one in Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14.) Also, while God is revealed in the Bible with the masculine pronoun, he possesses both masculine and feminine traits as the Creator of all humans and all things. (See Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit entries.)

Virgin birth: When Jesus was born, his mother, Mary, was a virgin at the time she got pregnant. That’s right; she never had a sexual relationship with a man. God caused her to become pregnant. This concept is a critical doctrine for belief in Jesus because it underscores the point that Jesus was human and divine. He had to be human so that he could relate to our struggles and he had to be divine so that he would have the ability to overcome them and bring us into a relationship with his Father. (Find the story in the Bible of Mary’s pregnancy in Luke 1: 26-38.)

Word of God: The Bible is believed to be the fully inspired instruction manual of God to human beings. Although it was written by men, we believe that God, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, created a book that is without error in its principles and is the last word in everything that pertains to life, belief and conduct. The Bible compares the word of God to “the sword of the Spirit.” (Find sword of the Spirit in the Bible: Ephesians 6: 17; also see Bible entry.)


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